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Debattierclub Board: Debattierclub Thread: [MOVIE] Superman (Christopher Nolan Reboot)
[MOVIE] Superman (Christopher Nolan Reboot) Site: «  1 2 »
#1 at 26.09.2010 on 19:39h Quote this entry
de Timbo
Für alle die es nicht mitbekommen haben...

It's Official: Nolan Rebooting Superman
Dark Knight director to use Batman approach for the Man of Steel

UK, March 10, 2010 - It's official: Christopher Nolan is taking control of a new Superman movie franchise.

Back in February, we heard rumours that The Dark Knight director would "godfather" a rebooted Man of Steel series, and now Nolan has confirmed the news in an interview with The Los Angeles Times.

"It's very exciting, we have a fantastic story," he said. "We feel we can do it right. We know the milieu, if you will, we know the genre and how to get it done right."

Nolan is keeping his cards close to his chest on specifics about the plot or who would direct the film, but he did say that Batman collaborator David Goyer was working on the screenplay, and that the idea for Superman came when the pair was struggling on Batman 3.

"He basically told me, 'I have this thought about how you would approach Superman. I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I've never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma [Thomas -- his wife and co-producer] and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way."

He wouldn't go into specifics, but it seems the pair will approach the story in the same way they did Batman.

"A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that's what I know how to do... We're [...] trying to find an incredible story in a way that audiences can engage with it the way they engage with contemporary action films. I think David's approach is a very good way of doing just that."

Finally, it seems we shouldn't expect Superman and Batman to team up anytime soon. "Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other."
Regisseur und Hauptdarsteller anscheinend gefunden

Zu dem Superman-Reboot von Produzent Christopher Nolan und Drehbuchautor David Goyer gab es schon viele Gerüchte um die Besetzung des Regiestuhls. So sollte zuletzt Chris Columbus als sicher gegolten haben, was aber kurz darauf wieder dementiert wurde. Nun wurden zwei neue Besetzungsgerüchte in die Runde geworfen.

Laut steht jetzt fest, wer die Regie übernimmt und sogar, wer Clark Kent alias Superman spielt. Auf Wunsch von Christopher Nolan soll dessen Bruder Jonathan Nolan das Megafon in die Hand nehmen und den Reboot leiten. Außerdem bekommt Zachary Levi die Hauptrolle, so ist sich Geektyrant sicher. Dieser wurde schon gecastet und als passend empfunden. Bekannt ist Zachary Levi aus der Fernsehserie Chuck und spielte zuletzt die Hauptrolle im zweiten Chipmunks-Film.

Beides sind jedoch vorerst nur Gerüchte und sollten mit Vorsicht behandelt werden, auch wenn Geektyrant was anderes sagt. Bestätigt wurde schließlich noch nichts.
Who Will Direct Nolan's Superman?

The Dark Knight director has some cool names on his wish list.

Christopher Nolan is overseeing the new Superman reboot, and it looks like he has a list of candidates that he wants to take the director's chair. broke into Warner Bros.' Fortress of Solitude to get a look at the names of those on Nolan's wish list, directors that he and his wife/producing partner Emmas Thomas have been meeting with.

Those directors include: Tony Scott, Cloverfield's Matt Reeves, Battle: Los Angeles helmer Jonathan Liebesman, Moon's Duncan Jones and Watchmen's Zack Snyder.

Which director will take over Supes' new reboot?
Deadline is quick to point out that several of these directors have movie commitments already, which make them unlikely. Liebesman, for example, is working on Clash of the Titans 2 for WB.

Nolan will submit his choice to the studio within the next few weeks. Whomever gets the job, they will be working from a script written by David Goyer, who served as the catalyst for this new Superman reboot, as he first pitched the idea to Nolan.
Was haltet ihr davon? Glaubt ihr Christopher Nolan wird es schaffen dem "Man of Steel" zu alter Stärke zurückzuhelfen?

2 mal editiert. 

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#12 at 23.07.2012 on 17:47h Quote this entry
de Timbo
posts: 0
Hier die ersten beiden Teaser Trailer zu Man of Steel. Einmal mir Jor-El alias Russel Crowe als Erzähler und einmal mit Jonathan Kent alias Kevin Costner als Erzähler.

1 mal editiert. 

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#13 at 09.12.2012 on 00:50h Quote this entry
de Timbo
posts: 0
Hier mal die deutschen Trailer und ein neues Poster!


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#14 at 13.12.2012 on 23:11h Quote this entry
de Timbo
posts: 0
Neuer Trailer!


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